Tuesday 11 May 2010


Some might say that 'Benedictine' and 'Baptist' are mutually exclusive terms: you just can't be both Baptist and Benedictine! I want to challenge that view and, in my occasional entries here, I hope to show that - far from being contradictory - they are, in fact, remarkably complementary. I have suggested in the header that I am "the exception that proves the Rule", yet, in truth, I'm far from being alone: increasingly Baptists in the UK are discovering Benedict and are coming to appreciate what he has to say to us in the twenty-first century.

Benedict was/is a saint for all traditions, ministering as he did prior to any of the major schisms suffered by the Christian Church, and his Rule contains wisdom for every generation. Join me on the journey and we'll learn not only from Benedict, but also from one another.

Peace be with you.

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